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Suomenlinna Museum tickets


Ehrensvärd seura ryguidebooking@suomenlinnatours.com09 68999850Company id:0220249-0 Merchant terms

Suomenlinna is one the largest sea fortresses in the world, in the past nicknamed the Gibraltar of the North. The permanent exhibition of the Suomenlinna Museum unveils the history of the fortress from the 18th century to the present day, through the Swedish, Russian and Finnish eras. Learn about the years of the construction works, life in the naval base, role of the fortress in conflicts, to the struggles of the Civil War and life thereafter. The temporary exhibition of the museum introduces current themes.

The wide-screen presentation, Suomenlinna Experience, brings the past of the fortress to life in 25 minutes. The wide-screen presentation tells about the construction of the sea fortress, the people who made it all happen and the centuries in the service of three different states. The wide-screen presentation is screened at the Suomenlinna Museum auditorium every 30 minutes during the museum's opening hours. Duration: 25 min.

Languages: Finnish, Swedish, English, Russian, Japanese, Germany, Spanish, French and Mandarene Chinese.

Suomenlinna Museum is located in the Suomenlinna Centre, by the Artillery Bay. The museum is open all year round.

Note! The museum is closed on Wed 19.3. due to maintenance work.


10€ / adult

8€ / student & pensioner

5€ / child (7-17 years)

Free entry with Museum Card and Helsinki Card